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NAATBatt 2025


NAATBatt 2025 is designed to maximize networking and business development opportunities for companies active in the North American advanced battery industry. This year’s program will focus on the challenges of growing businesses to scale in a world where volatility, uncertainty, complexity and ambiguity have become the norm. NAATBatt 2025 will assemble the world’s leading analysts and consultants to predict the industry’s future.

17-20 février 2025
Orlando, Florida

NAATBatt International is the North American trade association serving the common needs of advanced battery developers, suppliers, manufacturers, and users.


What Would a Moonshot Look Like in the U.S. Battery Industry

Wednesday, February 19, at 4:50 – 5:40 p.m.

Joern, Tinnemeyer, Senior VP & CTO will be part of a roundtable discussion among industry leaders about what the United States can realistically do to regain the lead in battery manufacturing technology.


Data centers require large amounts of power. When there is a utility feed interruption, mission-critical systems must stay online. With a complete range of backup power solutions, EnerSys® meets the growing demands of modern data center environments.


Batteries DataSafe® XE

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Batteries DataSafe® HX+

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